Job Vacancies

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HCAT Signature

Promoting community,
Building effective relationships,
ownership of own actions,
resolving conflicts.

HCAT Signature:
Community members;
– feel they belong
– have a voice and influence
– challenge appropriately
– understand fair process
– resolve conflicts
– take responsibility

Developing the ability to think, reason, problem solve and apply learning

HCAT Signature:
Community members;
– are lifelong learners
– have a growth mindset
– can apply knowledge skills and understanding
– are ready for the next stage

Promoting character traits to deal with the challenges of life.

HCAT Signature:
Community members;
– demonstrate the appropriate key character virtues particularly resilience and resourcefulness
– contribute positively to the community
– have a social conscience
– are responsible citizens

Developing the value of self and others, enabling a social and emotional place to learn.

HCAST Signature:
Community members;
– have a strong identity
– are happy and secure
– are able to empathise and care for others
– value self and others

Facilitating a broad range of experience and opportunities to open doors

HCAT Signature:
Community members;
– are able to broaden horizons
– shape their own mindset
– make informed choices
– have equal opportunities

‘I love learning!’

Y2 pupil

‘I love Sutton Park because we are encouraged to follow our dreams and goals’

Y6 pupil

‘Knowing who I can speak to, friends or adults, make me feel safe’

Y6 pupil

‘Sutton Park Primary is at the heart of the community’

Y1 parent

‘My child’s teacher has always encouraged him and cheered him on’

Y6 Parent

‘I have a passion for our school to do well as they have supported me as a parent, and my children through some difficult times’

Y4 parent

‘Every child deserves a champion and that is exactly what you all are’…

Foundation Stage parent

‘My friends, teachers … everything is what I love about Sutton Park!’ …

Y3 pupil