Welcome to
Sutton Park Primary School

I am very proud to be the Head Teacher of this fantastic school and lead a group of such committed and talented staff and pupils.

The pupils of the school are at the centre of everything that we do; we fully embrace the Hull Collaborative Academy Trust ethos of “Children First”. Our school works as a team in which parents, pupils, staff and other stakeholders are all involved in the education of our children and we encourage you to work alongside us and be part of your child’s school life and our school family.

At Sutton Park, we are proud to offer our children an engaging and well-rounded education which develops and nurtures the talents of all; encourages the children to foster a passion for learning and develops a curiosity to support high aspirations.

Our children are all individuals and we work hard to nurture this; the committed staff strive to ensure that all children feel valued. As an inclusive environment, we encourage all the children to shine and try to ensure that their experience is the best that it can be!

We hope that you find our website informative and enjoy finding out about what our school has to offer. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us or arrange a visit – we are here to help.

  • Mrs Liz Lee – Head Teacher

‘Sutton Park Primary is at the heart of the community’

Y1 parent

‘Every child deserves a champion and that is exactly what you all are’…

Foundation Stage parent

‘Knowing who I can speak to, friends or adults, make me feel safe’

Y6 pupil

‘I love Sutton Park because we are encouraged to follow our dreams and goals’

Y6 pupil

‘My child’s teacher has always encouraged him and cheered him on’

Y6 Parent

‘I have a passion for our school to do well as they have supported me as a parent, and my children through some difficult times’

Y4 parent

‘I love learning!’

Y2 pupil

‘My friends, teachers … everything is what I love about Sutton Park!’ …

Y3 pupil